Meet Your Grocer

Kids are going back to school next week and we hope you've taken a trip to the store to get everything for their lunches! Or, you've probably stopped in to your favorite grocery store to pickup your dinners for the week, or went in to check out what seasonal fruits and veggies they've got to offer. There are so many options when you are deciding where to purchase your groceries, and we hope that with this week's Episode 40: Meet Your Grocer you are inspired to spend a bit more of your dollars with our two locally owned and operated grocery stores. This week we talk with long time owner of Harvest Fresh Grocery and Deli, Kristin Schofield and new-ish owner to the local Grocery Outlet, Mike McGinty. Both of these business owners have made contributing to the McMinnville community a priority and we are so lucky to have such giving and thoughtful business owners to support. You may not have thought you were interested in this topic, but we be you will finish and think that you can spread your grocery dollars a bit more local.


Changing Seasons


Sustainable Summer