
Ok, go easy on us with this one. We're tired and stressed. But we're just fine! On this week's episode we convinced two of our friends, Brooke Anderson and Kara Missildine to come on and share about how this thing called parenthood is going. We know that none of us are experts, and we're going to get it wrong probable more often than we are going to get it right. But being able to talk about our experiences raising kids is truly what keeps us going. Some days are hard, really hard. But so many days are really really good, and we wanted to talk about all of it. We share notes about where we are at in our parenting journeys and try not to stress too much about the things that we can't control. So, grab a drink, or a tea, or get in your best meditative pose, and listen with us as we connect about living in Parentville. And be sure to listen to an extended post episode session with just us moms.


Trivia Night


May It Please The Court