Chelsey Nichol Chelsey Nichol

The Historians

How do you sum up over 180 years of a town's history in an hour? You don't...and not even more than an hour will do! But we took a good swing at things when talking with locals Ruben Contreras Jr. and Michael Hafner about our local history. We talked about fun random facts with Michael and dove into how Ruben started the popular Draggin' The Gut event in downtown McMinnville. We shared notes on how buildings and landmarks can have unique historical relevance, but also how change can occur in a very short amount of time and that our connections as a community still hold strong. Ruben and Michael both have spent years working to help share our local history so that we remember what we love about our town and that the small every day moments don't get forgotten.

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Chelsey Nichol Chelsey Nichol

Hall of Famers

Step up to the plate (you know we love a sports pun!) for this week's episode as we chat with two inspiring local coaches and athletes about their time playing at Mac High. We get to talk with Lisa Macy-Baker, who was a national basketball champ and standout star on her MHS basketball team before playing D1 at Oregon State, and now coaches youth basketball and tennis. And local legend, Ross Peterson, who grew up playing sports in McMinnville and then becoming coach to many sports, but primarily baseball and both MHS and Beaverton High School. Both guests are members of Hall of Fames for athletics and coaching. We hear about their unique experiences growing up and excelling at sports in McMinnville and the lessons they learned that helped make them the coaches they are today. We spend a lot of time supporting our kids as young athletes and we loved hearing about what they try to teach our kids as they grow through the different levels of youth sports. You will leave this conversation feeling inspired by what it means to come together as a community through athletics.

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Chelsey Nichol Chelsey Nichol

Smooth Hop-erators

Cheer to our latest episode! This week we belly up to the bar and chat with two local Brewmasters, Lisa Allen of Heater Allen Brewing and Piper Gladwill with Golden Valley Brewery all about the local beer making world. We learned a lot from these two local brewers, and we started with the basics. They share what they love about brewing and their journey of how they got into making beer. The beer industry has been "brewing" in McMinnville for years and we were happy to chat about the local beer scene, and where these brewers actually like to drink beer. Cue cheesy beer!

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Chelsey Nichol Chelsey Nichol

Lights! Camera! McMinnville!

We've set the stage for you to learn all about the local film making scene and the annual McMinnville Short Film Festival this week. Get your popcorn and settle in to hear about how this inspiring event took shape after one of the owners of Movie Time video store, Dan Morrow, and his wife Nancy would make movies with their staff at the video store. And we also chat with former News-Register reporter, David Bates, about the importance of film as a cultural asset in the community. We hope you learn a bit and are inspired to check out the film fest ... you never know who you may bump into!

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Chelsey Nichol Chelsey Nichol

The Amy and Kourtney Show (Education in McMinnville)

We hope your pencils are sharped because you may want to take notes on this week's episode. In Episode 16: The Amy and Kourtney Show, we talk with two local educators, Dr. Amy Fast the Principal at McMinnville High School, and Kourtney Ferrua the Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment for the McMinnville School District. We got to ask them what it is like to be a part of teaching our children and helping their fellow educators lead in McMinnville. There are so many layers when it comes to education, and in this episode we spend some time reminiscing about our own school experiences (it gets a little personal here), and check in to see how our kids and schools are doing. This is our longest episode yet, and we are so thankful to these two amazing women for giving us a peek into their day-to-day efforts to help make the McMinnville School District the best it can be. And we know they would want us to mention that they don't do it alone, there are hundreds of other educators, staff and volunteers working each day for our kids, and we hope this episode leaves you feeling some comfort. There is always work to be done, but when we do it together, we can help kids move mountains.

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Chelsey Nichol Chelsey Nichol


Catchy right? Just like your favorite tune.... in Episode 15: McMusicville, you will want to put this one on repeat. Music is a big part of our lives, and live music is an important thing to have access to. In this fun episode we catch up with our friends Jerome Blankenship of the local band Ships to Roam, and Freddie Lamb of Run and Tell That (and as a solo act) about how they got into music and what they like about performing locally. We discuss where you can see live music in town, and what our hopes are for the growth of the music scene in McMinnville. There's exciting things happening locally and we hope to inspire you to go out and support our local musicians!

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Chelsey Nichol Chelsey Nichol

What’s For Lunch?

It's something we ask ourselves most days, and if you spend anytime in downtown McMinnville the experience you are going to have is equally as important to what food you're going to eat. We're so lucky to have the restaurant options we have, and the owners become our friends and family. In this episode we chat with long time business owner Cindy Lorenzen (who started with her first business in town, Video Yogurt Express years ago and now is the owner of The Sage) and Scott Cunningham who opened Community Plate and Pizza Capo. They share with us the struggles and joys of owning a restaurant in McMinnville and we enjoyed hearing from them why they love being a part of this special community.

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Chelsey Nichol Chelsey Nichol

McMinnville vs. Newberg

Is there a real rivalry between Mac and Newberg? Or is it all in our head? We found two people with connections to both towns who were willing to vouch for their town. Our friend Kristen Stoller grew up in McMinnville and now lives in Newberg, and bud Mike VanBuren grew up in Newberg and now lives in Mac. We have a good time pitting town against town in this episode, but also point out the things we think each is doing better than the other (Burgerville sits high on the list...). Have fun with us as we gently rib each other about their differences and connect about their similarities. Plus, what we see for the future of both of these towns.

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Chelsey Nichol Chelsey Nichol

Farmers Gonna Farm

Is it vetch or veg? And what's up with all the political signs in the fields surrounding McMinnville? These are just two of the MANY questions we had for our guests, Marvin Bernards of Bernards Farm and Erik Grimstad of Even Pull Farm. In this episode we dive deep into the world of local farming, and at the same time it felt like we didn't even scratch the surface of this very complex and nuanced industry. An industry that has defined our local community for generations and continues to reshape itself with the changing times. Sit back and settle in, because this is our longest episode yet. We hope you come away with a greater appreciation for the abundance we are provided by so many local farmers, and next time you're eating your veggies think about these two awesome guests.

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Chelsey Nichol Chelsey Nichol

Toxic Nostalgia II

What better way to start 2023 than to look at where we've been and talk about where we are now. And maybe a little about our hopes for the coming year. Today we are chatting with two people who have had tremendous impact on our local community, Mike Colvin, and our dad, Jeb Bladine. Their stories and experience growing up in McMinnville is one shared by many, and those connections are what helped shape our town. Whether through their businesses, or community involvement, these two talk with us about how they have navigated decades of change, and what are the things they care about now. With a little advice for us as well. Happy New Year friends, let's do this year together.

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Chelsey Nichol Chelsey Nichol

A Merry Christmas Message

Santa must not have received your letters asking for another episode for Christmas, because he didn't deliver this week. We weren't able to record the episode we had hoped this week, so we wanted to just take a moment and thank you for listening. We truly appreciate everyone who is taking the time to listen to our little podcast, and hear us share our hearts with all of you. Thank you for sharing all of your positive feedback and have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Hanukkah, and we will chat with you in the New Year. From your captains at the Yacht Club, Ossie and Chelsey.

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Chelsey Nichol Chelsey Nichol

Dating In McMinnville

It's a classic story of boy meets girl...set in a small town. And the troubles they face finding love. Actually, it's us talking with our good friends Lisa Jenson and Sean Cahill about what it's like trying to date in McMinnville. We think this is a topic a lot of our listeners can relate to. We had a great time chatting about where people go to try and meet other singles, what that looks like in your 30's and 40's in a small town, and the complications that come along with it. And find out from them what truly matters. We laugh a lot in this one, so sit back and enjoy, it's a good one.

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Chelsey Nichol Chelsey Nichol

Holiday Intermission

What can we say, S*%# happens. And sometimes, especially at the holidays, you just have to roll with the punches and keep moving. So, in today's abbreviated episode, Ossie and Chelsey chat about why they don't have any guests and what they've been up to during this oh-so-festive season. And, they kick off their first social media promotion! So, if for no other reason, tune in to hear how you can score one of your very own McMinnville Yacht Club stickers. And listen to a bunch of other, mostly, relevant stuff.

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Chelsey Nichol Chelsey Nichol

Home For The Holidays

When it comes to the holidays it's all about local for us. We grew up with the mantra to shop local as much as possible, and at the holidays that's even more important. This week with talk with local toy store owner, Linda Hayes, and long time News-Register reporter Starla Pointer about what it means to spend locally at the holidays. From purchasing gifts, to volunteering, to donating to your favorite non-profit, there are countless ways to impact our local community at the end of the year. Hopefully we provide a little inspiration for your holiday to-do list!

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Chelsey Nichol Chelsey Nichol

How To Throw A Bitchin’ Holiday Party

In Episode 7 (we mention that this is episode 8 in the intro, we were wrong!) we chat with dear friends Anne Nash and Erma Vasquez about how to throw a bitchin' holiday party. Whether you spend months planning the menu and weeks preparing the homemade food, or knowing which is the best stores to buy the yummiest snacks - there's tips here for everyone! Mix yourself your favorite holiday drink, and enjoy our chat as we share what we love about holiday gatherings and what we think makes them extra special. Cheers!

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Chelsey Nichol Chelsey Nichol

McMinnville After Midnight

Do we know what goes bump in the night in downtown McMinnville? We dive into what happens when we close up shop and go home for the day, but there are good folks who are working each day to make sure that our downtown is safe for all who visit. We have a great talk with Jimmy Bounyavong, who manager The Oak bar downtown, and Police Chief Matt Scales about what their experiences are downtown Mac at night. We had some really honest discussions about some of the current struggles that our small town faces and we are so thankful we have people like Jimmy and Matt looking out for us. The moral is to always be nice to your bartender and the police.

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Chelsey Nichol Chelsey Nichol

Moving to McMinnville

We love it when people move to McMinnville and we get new friends. That was the case with our guests, Sarah Lesson and Zack Stern. Soon after they each moved to town about 10 years ago, they entered our lives and we're so happy they chose to make this place their home. We chat about the places they've lived, what brought them to McMinnville and why they stay. Plus the things they love, and a few of the things they don't. It's always a fun time when we are talking with our friends, and this episode is no different. Make sure to stick it out until the very end ...

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Chelsey Nichol Chelsey Nichol

Businesses We Love - Part 1

We own businesses, so we are naturally fond of other small business owners. McMinnville is a unique place to own a business, and if you are lucky enough to find a spot downtown, it can create magic. Join us as we talk with two downtown business owners, Jen Feero of La Bella Casa, and Bruce LaVerne of The Vortex about how they found themselves on 3rd Street. We plan on exploring this topic every few months, so this is Part 1 of Businesses We Love.

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Chelsey Nichol Chelsey Nichol

All Politics Are Local?

Are they? That is the question we set out to answer with our guests Lynnette Shaw and Matthew Meador. Join us as we stroll down memory lane of politics in McMinnville, remembering where we've been and chatting about where we are now. We talk about what it means to be an engaged and informed voter, and share our frustrations about local politics. And then we talk about what gives us hope, because some days that's all we have.

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Chelsey Nichol Chelsey Nichol

Toxic Nostalgia

Can our memories be toxic? We're chatting with locals Erin Stephenson and Stuart Gunness about our favorite memories of growing up in McMinnville (and there are a lot!). And then we ask the question, what are the pros and cons of our nostalgia? Can our shared memories be harmful to change, or can we use the positive aspects of our nostalgia for the betterment of our town?

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